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The Value of Point-of-Care Testing Services

Point of care testing for pharmacy technicians certification

Pharmacy technicians are an essential part of the healthcare team, providing support to pharmacists and ensuring that medications are dispensed safely and accurately. In recent years, pharmacy technicians have also become increasingly involved in point-of-care (POC) testing services, which are diagnostic tests that can be performed at the point of care, rather than being sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Pharmacy technicians who participate in POC testing services can play a vital role in improving patient outcomes and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of pharmacy technicians participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services, including their benefits to patients, healthcare providers, and pharmacy technicians themselves.


Table of Contents

What is CLIA-waived testing?

Before we delve into the importance of pharmacy technicians participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services, it’s essential to understand what CLIA-waived testing is. CLIA stands for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, which are regulations enforced by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that establish quality standards for laboratory testing. CLIA regulations apply to all clinical laboratories, including those located in hospitals, clinics, physician offices, and other healthcare settings.

CLIA-waived tests are simple laboratory tests that have been deemed to be of low complexity and low risk by the CMS. These tests can be performed by personnel who have minimal training and do not require specialized laboratory equipment. Examples of CLIA-waived tests include urine pregnancy tests, blood glucose tests, and rapid strep tests. CLIA-waived tests are an essential component of POC testing services, as they can be performed quickly and easily in a variety of settings.

Why is POC testing important?

POC testing is essential in improving patient outcomes and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery. POC testing can provide results quickly, allowing healthcare providers to make immediate treatment decisions. For example, a rapid strep test can be performed in a physician’s office, and the results can be available within minutes, allowing the provider to start antibiotic treatment immediately if necessary. This quick turnaround time can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases and improve patient outcomes.

POC testing can also be more convenient for patients. Patients can often receive the results of POC tests during their visit, rather than waiting for several days for results from a laboratory. This can reduce patient anxiety and improve patient satisfaction with the healthcare experience.

Another benefit of POC testing is that it can be less expensive than traditional laboratory testing. By performing tests on-site, healthcare providers can avoid the costs associated with sending samples to a laboratory for analysis. This can reduce healthcare costs for patients and insurers and can also help healthcare providers reduce their operating costs.

Benefits of pharmacy technicians participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services

Pharmacy technicians can play a vital role in POC testing services, particularly in the community pharmacy setting. Here are some of the benefits of pharmacy technicians participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services:

1. Improved Patient Care

One of the most significant benefits of CLIA-waived POC testing services is improved patient care. These tests can provide rapid results, which can help healthcare providers diagnose and treat patients more quickly. For example, a pharmacy technician performing a rapid strep test can help a patient receive appropriate treatment faster. This can lead to better outcomes and a more positive patient experience.

2. Enhanced Pharmacy Operations

Participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services can also enhance pharmacy operations. Pharmacy technicians can help with testing, which can free up pharmacists to focus on other tasks such as medication therapy management and patient counseling. Additionally, offering POC testing services can help differentiate the pharmacy from competitors and attract new patients.

3. Increased Revenue

Offering CLIA-waived POC testing services can also increase revenue for the pharmacy. These tests are typically reimbursed by insurance companies, and pharmacies can charge a fee for the testing service. This can provide a new revenue stream for the pharmacy, which can help offset declining reimbursement rates for prescription medications.

4. Expanded Scope of Practice

Participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services can also help pharmacy technicians expand their scope of practice. In many states, pharmacy technicians are required to complete additional training and certification to perform POC testing services. This additional training can help pharmacy technicians develop new skills and advance their careers.

5. Improved Patient Access to Care

Participating in CLIA-waived POC testing services can also improve patient access to care. Many patients may not have access to a primary care physician or may not be able to get an appointment quickly. Offering POC testing services in a pharmacy can provide patients with a more convenient and accessible option for diagnostic testing.

6. Collaborative Care

Offering POC testing services can also promote collaborative care. Pharmacy technicians can work closely with other healthcare providers, such as physicians and nurse practitioners, to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. This collaboration can help improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Where Point-of Care Testing skills can take pharmacy technicians

Pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing have a valuable skill set that can open up a range of career opportunities in the healthcare industry. They can work in community pharmacies, hospitals and clinics, public health agencies, and research institutions, performing tests and interpreting results.

With the increasing demand for POC testing services, pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing are well-positioned to take advantage of these career opportunities and make a valuable contribution to the healthcare industry.

Community Pharmacies

Community pharmacies are often the first point of contact for patients seeking healthcare services, particularly in rural or underserved areas. Many community pharmacies are now offering POC testing services, such as rapid strep tests and flu tests, in addition to traditional pharmacy services. Pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing can be highly valued in these settings. They can perform CLIA-waived tests and work with the pharmacist to ensure that medications are dispensed safely and accurately.

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and clinics are also offering POC testing services, particularly in emergency departments and urgent care centers. Pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing can be employed in these settings, working alongside physicians and other healthcare providers to perform tests and interpret results. In addition, pharmacy technicians can assist with medication reconciliation, ensuring that patients receive the correct medications and dosages.

Public Health Agencies

Public health agencies play a vital role in protecting the health of the public, particularly during public health emergencies, such as pandemics or natural disasters. Pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing can be employed by public health agencies to perform tests and collect data on disease outbreaks. They can also assist with vaccination campaigns by administering vaccines.

Research Institutions

Research institutions, such as academic medical centers or pharmaceutical companies, often conduct clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of new medications or medical devices. Pharmacy technicians who have experience with POC testing can be employed in these settings to perform tests and collect data for clinical trials. They can also assist with the preparation of study materials, such as informed consent forms and study protocols.

Pharmacy Technician Enhanced Training: Point-of-Care Testing

If you’re looking for a technician-specific point-of-care course, we have just the thing. Check out our PTCB-recognized Pharmacy Technician Enhanced Training: Point-of-Care Testing.

This self-paced course features four lessons that provide everything you need to understand point-of-care testing and related topics like CLIA waivers and test technologies—all at an affordable price! One of the many offerings that make freeCE the #1 destination for continuing education for pharmacy technicians

Best of all, this program provides 3.5 credits towards certification or license renewal requirements so you can reach your goals faster than ever before. Don’t wait. Access our convenient education today!


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