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Review of Pertinent Laws on the Validation of Controlled Substance Prescriptions - FL APPROVED

12apr2:30 pm4:30 pmReview of Pertinent Laws on the Validation of Controlled Substance Prescriptions - FL APPROVED

Event Details

Maintaining compliance with controlled substances laws and regulations is paramount for pharmacists. These laws exist to protect the public by preventing misuse, abuse, and diversion of controlled substances. Additionally, the penalties for noncompliance can be drastic for pharmacists. Several laws apply to pharmacists when verifying prescriptions for controlled substances on the federal and state levels. This knowledge based program will provide pertinent laws on the federal regulation of controlled substances for the practicing pharmacist. Additionally, this program contains select legal requirements for pharmacists practicing in Florida.

This course has been approved by the Florida Board of Pharmacy to meet the 2.0-hour requirement for Validation of Prescriptions for Controlled Substances for Florida pharmacists.



(Wednesday) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm(GMT-04:00) View in my time


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