Can You Really Get All Your CE for Free? Finding the Best Fit for You

Finding free CE courses that are legitimately accredited and applicable to your specific state’s requirements can be incredibly time-consuming. The internet is a vast place, and sifting through countless websites to find suitable courses involves significant effort. This time could be better spent focusing on your practice or personal development.
Pharmacists Role in Mumps & Rubella Vaccinations

MUMPS & RUBELLA: HOW VACCINES VIRTUALLY ELIMINATED THESE ONCE DEADLY DISEASES MicroCE, Pete Kreckel, 0.25 hours Mumps and rubella are diseases that have been virtually eliminated by vaccines. All of the vaccines we pharmacists administer provide direct benefit to the patient who receives them. Rubella vaccine shows direct benefit to the unborn child. All of […]
Live CE vs On-demand CE For Pharmacy Technicians

Understanding the differences between on-demand CE and live CE for pharmacy technicians Continuing education (CE) for pharmacy technicians can be taken in either a live or on-demand format. Before the internet, people had to get in their vehicles, fight traffic, and go to a physical location when they wanted to earn live CEs. Now, when we […]