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National Pharmacy Week 2022 Recap

national pharmacy week education for pharmacy professionals

Strategies for Success During Challenging or Stressful Times


What are your strategies for success during challenging or stressful times?

This is what we asked members of our community at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked them to share comments, tips, and words of encouragement to support their colleagues.

While most pharmacy settings have learned to manage COVID-19 protocols and procedures, the life of a pharmacy professional is still full of challenges and at times, stress. 

So here are our favorite messages and ideas for pharmacy professionals, from pharmacy professionals.


Words of wisdom from your colleagues 


"I work in a small hospital pharmacy and we are very close knit together. We are a family and we always have each other's back! It has been challenging this past year, supporting one another has helped pull us all through in one piece. There is no silly question, and don't be afraid to ask questions. You can't learn without them. At the end of the day, when a patient gets to go home; that is my happiness. Just knowing I had a part in helping them recover. PHARMACY STRONGER TOGETHER!"

"Hang in there. This year has been rough but you are not alone. We are all in this together."

"During these trying times, I try to focus on working together as a team, pulling everyone- techs, interns, and pharmacists together sharing our strengths to help feed off each other. If one is having a bad day, another will help lift them up."

"Be kind to others as well as yourself. Exercise, meditate/pray, and take care of your health!"

"Do not let work take over your life! Always make time for yourself to reflect on what you truly want, learn new skills, keep up with old friends, and be yourself."

"Separate work from home. My home is my peace."

"Don’t let work be the #1 priority in life. Set healthy boundaries. Spend time with your family. Enjoy breaks without feeling guilty. Do things that help you to recharge and reset. And don’t forget to eat well and get a good night’s rest!"

"Meditate.  Take time for yourself and find healthy ways for self-care, it is NOT selfish.  Remember that the patients aren't really mad at YOU, they are just often mad at their situation and unfortunately take it out on you.  You are a HERO!!!"

Journal daily, without judging what you wrote. Let go of perfection, just do your best!

"Thank you to my colleagues near and far. When I decided to go to pharmacy school, pharmacists were in great demand and were consistently rated as a most trusted profession. Now there are many of us. Sometimes I feel my profession has been diluted. But then I remember - YOU are doing good work. YOU are an integral part of the medical system. YOU help people. YOU save lives. Take pride in your work. Don't be reactive, learn how to gain control of your day where you can. Automate home tasks if you can to relieve stress (subscribe and save TP, paper towels, laundry detergent, etc). Take some time off - 3 days in a row at least, stay at home and relax or preferably drive 30-45 min away and stay in a nice hotel. Bring wine."

"When things get quite stressful, especially during these Covid Crisis months, I like to take the opportunity to have a quick pep talk with myself. Maybe during a ladies room trip or walking to lunch. I tell myself I have worked during very stressful hours before and come out the other side okay. I did the job, and tomorrow was a little better, so I can do it again. I am there for the money, surely, but also to help the patients in my community get the care our healthcare team is trying to give to them. This, too, shall come to pass. And it does."

"COVID-19 has taught all of us the importance of pivoting when things don't go as planned. Everything is going to be okay. Even when it seems like you've hit rock bottom. Be kind to yourself and others."

"Be strong, be brave. We are the people that our community members look to for guidance regarding their health during these stressful times. We do not always have the answers but we can help to calm their fears. We must take care of ourselves also.  Step back when we need to, ask for help, depend on each other. Pray."

"Through all of this turmoil, staying focused on our patients has been the best way for me to manage the stress of the job.  I always remind myself I am here to help them stay healthy and that helps me stay focused on the right things."

“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” – Eeyore

"Take 1 day at a time.... every hour seems like a different challenge.  I always take a (very) deep breath & smile & say "Good Morning" to everyone I see.  I hope that by showing the positive side of me (definitely not how I'm feeling) will cause a domino effect on others."

"Remember, most of the people you encounter are in pain or have a problem. Kindness goes a long way. People just want to be acknowledged, be courteous 😜"

"When contemplating a decision while treating a patient, think of that patient as a family member. Would you recommend this drug to your own 14 year old child? To your own 70 year old parent? To your 90 year old grandparent. This process has helped me make difficult decisions."

Some common themes we noticed in these messages are:

  • Work as a team and depend on each other for support
  • Practice self-care, rest, and set healthy boundaries
  • Look for opportunities to choose kindness and positivity.


We hope one of these small nuggets of wisdom inspired you to take care of yourself and each other in the hecticness of it all. Thank you, pharmacy professionals, for your important contributions to the public’s well-being.

At freeCE, we’re committed to creating high-quality continuing education that supports this important work. We design our CE to both improve your skills and patient care but also to be flexible enough to fit your schedule and lifestyle. Check out our membership options here.


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